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Conference Review
About one hundred and fifty people from over 20 countries participated the colloquium. The colloquium is co-organized by CIGRE Study Committee A1- Rotating Electrical Machines and Chinese National Committee of CIGRE and supported by Harbin Research Institute of Large Electrical Machinery and Guangdong M&C Electric Power Co., Ltd.
25 experts from 9 countries made speeches on their respective expertise at the colloquium. Reports delivered at the colloquium consist of two parts--invited papers and members' contribution. All the reports showed the latest developments on rotating electrical machines not only in China but also across the world. In the meeting duration, a technical visit to the plants of Guangdong M&C Electric Power Co., Ltd. and underground of the Three Gorges Hub Project is organized.
The colloquium is convened in conjunction with a series of meetings of CIGRE Study Committee A1 and its four Advisory Committees.
Organized by:

– Chinese National Committee of CIGRE
supported by:
– Harbin Research Institute of Large Electrical Machinery
–Guangdong M&C Electric Power Co., Ltd.
Time: JUN. 11-15 2012
Venue: Jiuhua Resort, Beijing, China
The Colloquium is in conjunction with the meeting of CIGRE Study Committee A1 and its associated working groups.
The theme of the colloquium is New Development on Rotating Electrical Machines.
Altogether 31 reports on the following topics delivered at the colloquium:
New development of hydroelectric generators, turbogenerators, and nuclear power generators, etc.
Development of wind turbine generators, including doubly-fed generators, permanent magnet generators, asynchronous generators and synchronous generators.
Effect of power system on turbogenerators, like subsynchronous oscillation, various faults in the grid.
Refurbish, upgrading, life assessment, and extending the life cycle for generators
Control and operation of large electric motors.
Development and experience with new monitoring, diagnosis and prognosis system
The Colloquium is directed towards manufacturers, utilities, consultants, universities, and R&D organizations。